Legal information

Legal information :


Our website is administered by the company Regis Lauroy.

Regis Lauroy


RCS Dijon 427 537 949

Address: Route de Savigny 21200 Bouze Les Beaune, France.

Phone: 03 80 26 06 06 / +33 380 26 06 06


The publication director is Regis Lauroy.

Intellectual Property

All elements of the site (pictures, images, logos, elements …), and the information technology (creation software, back-office administration services offered …) 

are protected by Copyright Law and are the sole property of their respective authors.

The contents of this site (photos, texts, articles …) are the exclusive property of their authors and may not be copied or used without the agreement of the latter. 

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction of a full or partial content of the site is prohibited, regardless of its form (reproduction, nesting, distribution, technical “inline linking” and “framing” … ). 

The direct links to downloadable files (whatever their format) on our site are also prohibited.

The present text from external sources have been reproduced with the implicit or explicit agreement of their respective authors. 

In this respect, reference is made to the site sources and authors.

Status of links and content :

References :

The links on the site (direct links, permalinks, links partners …) redirect the user to sites whose content and placed under the responsibility of the publishers of those sites. 

In any case, can not be held responsible for the content of these sites. 

As we attach particular importance to the legality of the content of sites to which we link, 

we ask you kindly report any content that might seem illegal sites to which links have been established.

 Contents :

The content of sites published by have been developed with great care. 

As such, no illegal or defamatory content is posted on them. 

In addition, they have no character can be regarded as “misleading advertising” as defined in Articles 121-1 and following of the Consumer Code.

Advertising on sites :

Advertisements may be presented on our sites. These can come from external sources (flat-shaped third-management affiliate, Google ads …) be managed by our own advertising. can not be held responsible for the “misleading or aggressive” advertising from outside sources.

Regarding advertisements governed by, 

it will reserve the right not to broadcast advertisements featuring a manifestly deceptive within the meaning of Articles 121-1 et seq of the Consumer Code.

Hosting :

All our sites are hosted on servers of the company Ionos 1&1.

Customer service

The customer service of an be reached electronically via email, at the address or by phone 03 80 26 06 06 / +33 380 26 06 06

 at the following times: Monday to Saturday 8am to 1pm and 2pm to 8pm CET.


You can contact us at the following address: Route de Savigny 21200 Bouze Les Beaune, France for any inquiries.